The 0.06 Mile Training Ride

My Look 585 on the trainer. With cheater fork holders.
At times, the weather doesn't cooperate.  Other times, you want to take out external variables.  Or perhaps you're in a time crunch.  Maybe you don't want to deal with the hassle of transporting a bike - or maybe your triathlon coach tells you to do a ride on the trainer.  In the end, an indoor trainer just makes sense.

This morning's set was a 90 minute ride on the trainer with a good mix between hard pedaling and easy pedaling.  Within 10 minutes of the set, I was sweating buckets.  My sweat towel was soaked by the end of the set and I was dripping sweat at fairly regular intervals onto the floor.  My towel couldn't catch everything.  Trainer rides aren't as exciting as a real ride outdoors, but it definitely does the trick.  Hard/easy pedaling reps were based on heart rate, using my trusty Garmin.  Obviously, there was no mileage to record... or was there?

My ride, according to Garmin

As it turns out, I rode a whopping 0.06 miles with an elevation loss of 16 feet and a moving time of 16 seconds.  Nobody said the Garmin is exact down to the inch, but this is fun, no?

1 comments :: The 0.06 Mile Training Ride

  1. Are you sure the Garmin was on your bike, not on Pepper?

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