After Week Two

Week Two successfully completed.  This week included 'benchmark' testing for both the run and the swim.  The totals are an increase from Week One, but I'm still feeling pretty good.

Happy to report once again that I did all of the scheduled exercises and then some (on accident).

My Saturday run was scheduled to be an easy 50 minute run.  I figured an 8:30 or 9:00 minute/mile pace would be sufficient.  A month ago, I had run 5.5 miles in 50 minutes (approx 9 minutes/mile) so I planned on running the same route again for my work-out.  Both runs occurred in the late morning.  However, this time around, even when I was watching my pace to try to keep it relatively easy, I was outpacing my previous run by a good margin.  When I hit 50 minutes, I was already at 5.95 miles, so I figured I should just push it out and get to an even 6.00 miles.  That's an extra 1/2 mile within the same time period!  Average pace of 8:14, which makes me very happy.  Proof positive that I am improving my fitness level.

But my workout didn't end there - although unfortunately I "locked" my Garmin.  Apparently if you press some buttons, you can lock the screen so you don't accidently stop recording or change a setting.  I didn't know I had this feature - and more importantly, I didn't know how to unlock my Garmin.  Luckily this did not happen until after the 6 miles.  Not so luckily, I had taken a wrong turn during my run so I wasn't quite where I was planning on ending.

So after that run, I had another 2.7 mile light jog back for lunch.  What started as a 50 minute/5.5 mile run became an 8.7 miler, but oh boy was lunch tasty.  And so was the iced water. 

Week Two totals:
Bike: 38.19 miles
Run: 15.5 miles
Swim: 2400 meters

Total Time: 11:45

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