Eating Fake Food

There's an easy rule of thumb that one should generally live by for healthy eating.

If your grandmother would not recognize something as food, then do not eat it.

That means skip the processed foods, fad cleanses and diets, and eat natural.  Lots of fruits, vegetables and meat.  Just simple, real food.  I recall the example provided when I first heard this rule of thumb was something called Go-Gurt - basically yogurt on the go.  Yogurt is surely something grandmothers will recognize, but Go-Gurt is probably more artificial gooey substance than it is yogurt.  The official go-gurt site is down so perhaps they don't make it anymore?

But then again, sometimes I'm lazy and I don't have time to make a meal.  Frozen dumplings often do the trick.  But what about nutrition on the go?  I've posted about Gu Energy Gel, which looks an awful like Go-Gurt.  Gu is my go-to nutrition supplement during a long work-out.  Gu gels come with me to all of my races and are usually taken during transition.

For pre- and post-workout, if I know I am not going to eat for a while or if there just isn't enough time for a full meal and I just need something to get me through another few hours, I like Kashi Go Lean Crunchy  Bars for lighter fare and Clif Bar Energy Bars for something a little denser.

Of course all of that being said, I've known a few friends make home-made clif bars which are certainly healthier.  Real food will always be better than these pre-packaged bars, but they're good enough for me!


August 8 Update: Apparently Go-Gurt is still being made.  Just saw a coupon for it in the latest Costco mailer! Impeccable timing.

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