After Week Seven

Week Seven was a bike-intensive week, with lots of time spent on the trainer and time spent on the road on both Saturday and Sunday.  It's still my favorite leg of the triathlon, so you'll hear no complaints here. 

Sadly I must report a missed swim workout on Friday.  The gym was uncharacteristically full and the lap pool was stupid busy in the normally dead quiet late afternoon.  I wonder if the heat wave we have been experiencing may have contributed to the extra people in the gym.  The heat wave gave us nearly triple digit temperatures.  It certainly made it difficult to find the drive to get the work-outs in during the weekends.  Thankfully temperatures during the early weekday mornings are still bearable. 

Not this Malibu...
To escape the heat, I took a trip to Malibu for Sunday's long ride.  The extra drive was well worth it, even with all of the traffic. Plus, the ride was scenic and there's a number of hills just off of Pacific Coast Highway for some great climbing.  There will definitely be a return trip if the heat continues.  The original plan had been to climb Angeles Crest Highway or ride the hilly Glenodra Mountain Road - but the heat squashed both those ideas.

With a three hour bike ride, nutrition was also a factor to deal with.  I already have a good idea of when I need the extra boost from Gu, and added one of my Kashi bars to the mix today.  The Gu was taken just past the 1:20, at the bottom of the hill climb.  Half of the Kashi bar was eaten at the top of the hill (approximately a half hour later) then the other half was eaten another 15 minutes or so later at a gas station on PCH, where an extra water stop was necessary. 

It may be time to consider buying another bottle cage so I can carry two water bottles at the same time. Since I haven't found my second Camelbak Chill bottle, it's probably also time to buy a second one of those as well.

Week Seven totals:

Bike: 40.9 miles and 135 minutes on the trainer
Run: 26.6 miles
Swim: 3707 meters
Total Time: 13:00

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