After Week Eight

Week Seven was a great week.  Week eight? Not so much.

At the beginning of the week, I got a sore throat.  Didn't think much of it and hoped that it would just pass quickly.  Unfortunately, it did not.  An easy run on Tuesday with a sore throat, cut back and skipped my strength training that day.  Then WHAM woke up the next morning with a full-blown cold.  Snotty nose, foggy head, sore throat. That morning was scheduled to have a run test to be able to better track my progress.  Definitely was not going to happen.  The week was more or less a complete loss.  Thursday was another off-day, and Friday I finally felt better enough to try to get training again, with my scheduled swim (which was also supposed to be a test).  But I still had a significant amount of mucus in my chest and for some reason swimming gave me a headache too, so the workout became just an easy set - notwithstanding the hacking coughing fits and the headache, it certainly felt good to be back in the water again.

Saturday and Sunday saw normal work-outs again, with Saturday being a long ride and Sunday a meeting with the coach for technique work on the swim and run, followed by a very instructive tutorial on transitions.  Lots of little things that add up quickly!

Let's hope Week Nine will be back to normal.  I have the Santa Barbara triathlon coming up on August 25th, so this week will be a taper week in preparation for the race.

Week Eight totals:
Bike: 39.33 miles
Run: 8.84 miles
Swim: 1500 meters

Total Time: 5:30

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