After Week Nine

Week Nine was another taper week, as the end of Week Nine included the Santa Barbara Triathlon.  No big surprises or breakthroughs this week, though doing a strong 12 mile run (Monday) surely helps me mentally as much as it does physically.  There is a lot to catch up on though.  Week Nine included my second swim time trial, which provides benchmarks and is a progress report on how I am doing.  Week Eight had included both a swim and run time trial but had to be canceled due to being sick.  The run time trial was rescheduled for Week Ten.

Overall this was a good week - strong training sessions and a good result in the triathlon.  More on the time trial progress and the race recap later!

Week Nine totals:

Bike: 34.00 miles + 80 min on the trainer
Run: 27.35 miles
Swim: 4917 meters

Total Time: 9:55

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