Back to the Gym

After a seeminly long absence from the gym, I finally went back to the gym for a short swim.  Break time is over, I can't use finishing an Ironman as an excuse anymore.  That being said, there are still some exercises I cannot do, due to the bicep tendon tear (resulting in some shoulder pain) and the IT band irritation.  But I got back in the pool for a short, easy swim - to ease back into a work-out routine.

Just 1000 meters, which at one point sounded like a long swim.  Now, having done training sessions of over 2 miles in open water and many sessions of over 3000 meters in a lap pool, 1000 meters did not sound difficult.  However, getting into the water for the first time in weeks felt foreign.  The natural grab and pull of the water felt a bit different.  I didn't feel as smooth and I felt like my technique has gone to crap.  Did two hundred meters' worth of drills, but I think I'll be doing more drills soon.

If that wasn't enough of a sign that I need to get back into the gym, another sure sign that it has been far too long is the fact that I nearly forgot the combination to my lock.  After standing in front of my locker trying different combinations of the three numbers I thought was the correct numbers, I finally got lucky - only after realizing that the three numbers I originally believed to be the combination weren't correct!

Yes, it's time to get back into the routine.

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