The Setback, a Follow Up

Back in October, my training hit a snag when I took a spill during a cycling session.  While the road rash has been healing up quite nicely (except for one small spot that is still a bit tender), my shoulder has continued to be a a source of pain and discomfort.

Iron Sherpa finally convinced me to go see a doctor.  With a recommendation from a doctor friend of mine, I found a friendly orthopaedic (their spelling, not mine) close by.  After an x-ray and a few simple tests where I push my arm against his hand, he determined it to be a bicep tendon tear.  Nothing serious that requires surgery, thankfully, or that will affect my arm/shoulder for long - but still good that I saw a doctor about it.

He gave me a shot of cortizone, prescribed some Motrin (ibuprofen) and six weeks of physical therapy.  The cortizone and ibuprofen seems to be working their magic already; apparently they are both anti-inflammatory drugs.  Never had physical therapy before. This will be an interesting experience.  After six weeks' time, I'll take another visit to the good doctor who will hopefully give me a clean bill of health.

As a result of this, I'll likely try to take it easy on the swim training sessions, especially in the pool.  But on Sunday I still plan on hitting the open water for a longer swim.  It'll be my last chance to do an open water swim before IMAZ.

Then after IMAZ, doctor's orders to take it easy.  He wasn't too thrilled I'm doing IMAZ so soon, but just told me to be careful.

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