After Week 16

This week led up to my final tune-up triathlon.  An olympic distance at Bonelli Park in San Dimas, the triathlon is marketed as part of the world's oldest triathlon series. It made for a fun Sunday.

During the week leading up to the triathlon, I was still nursing lots of road rash.  While the injuries were scabbing over and felt much better, it still stung in the water and I couldn't get full movement in my elbow without a stretching, almost Indian-burn sensation on my skin, probably due to all of the scabbing. 

Tricep area healing up nicely.  Or is this Curiosity's
newest picture from Mars?

While during the weekend I left the wound out in the open air to heal, during the workday I had to bandage it up so it wouldn't bleed onto my shirts.  This meant pulling off the bandage at the end of the day - which always meant a little extra bloodiness as the bandage stuck to some scab or raw meat.

As far as training schedule, this week was a light week, in order to keep the body fresh for the race.  A long 16 mile run was originally scheduled, but when I tried running, the bruises on my legs started feeling like they were jiggling about.  After 2 miles, I decided it was getting worse and there was no point in aggravating my pre-existing injuries on a training run.  Better to save myself for the race. I also ended up skipping two swim sessions in favor of letting the arm heal, in case the super-chlorinated pool adversely affects the injuries.

Next week, there should be no more excuses.  No event until November 3 (century ride in San Diego) and then it'll be time for Ironman Arizona.

Scary to think.. Ironman is just a few days over a month away now. 

Bike: 32 miles + 45 minutes on trainer
Run: 15.2 miles
Swim: 1770 meters (1.1 miles)

Total Time: 6:17

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