Sherpa Reversal & Doing a Mary

Being an Iron Sherpa is hard work.  There's the food, the support, the training, and a whole host of other stuff too that takes up an enormous amount of effort and time.

So I try to lighten the load and help out a bit.  With the rather large amounts of food I eat every day now, Costco is the grocery shopping destination.  Usually Costco-sized bulk items are too much for any one person (or two) to finish before things start going bad.  But apparently I eat enough to get through Costco-sized items.

One day, I offered to hit Costco on my way home from work.  On that particular day, I had no evening training session planned so it worked out well.  Plus I wanted to get gas too.  I asked Iron Sherpa to send me a shopping list - I absolutely need lists because even if there were only two items, I'd probably forget one if I didn't have a list.  Iron Sherpa, having memorized Costco's layout, sent me the following list, probably because she knew I'd get lost and be completely unable to find the most basic of items:

At first, I thought, "hey, I can find these things just fine!" But then, once I got there... I must admit that the counterclockwise directions were hugely helpful.  Guess she's right to have no faith in my domestic skills.

Then, after some discussion of 2013 plans (read: post-Ironman) , Iron Sherpa decided she would like to train for and run a half-marathon and a full marathon in 2013 (and do a half-Ironman as well).  In triathlon talk (and maybe running circles too), that's doing a half-mary and doing a mary (and a HIM).  Iron Sherpa asked that I don't go around telling people she wants to do a mary, but instead I should say a "marathon."  Iron Sherpa doing a mary, I like the sound of that. I will help her!

Of course, this means I get to play the role of Sherpa (and coach).  First thing to do: set up a training calendar.  Using Google Calendar, I set up a weeks' worth of schedule for Iron Sherpa - what will be her first week of scheduled, regimented training, and shared the calendar with her.  Then I noticed an unauthorized addition to her calendar!

Unauthorized entry! Not a part of the plan!
 Sherp sherp.

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