After Week 15

What a week!  Of the three disciplines, I was only able to complete all of my cycling sessions.  I also did my functional strength (core workout) sessions, but I couldn't complete the swim and run portions of my training schedule due to a spill on the bike.  A swim/run session was scheduled for the next day, which I could not do in my injured state.

Even without the last swim session, this was an increase in total swim distance per week.  The last swim would have added an additional 2 miles (3219.7 meters) to the total. 

The bike spillage (and resulting injuries) will affect my training schedule for at least the next week.  By then hopefully I'll be healed enough to get back into full training mode again.  Even with the pain and injury, I can't say I didn't enjoy a little time off though.

Nothin much else to report, except looking forward to the Bonelli Park olympic distance triathlon in the next weekend.

Bike: 109.0 miles + 110 minutes on trainer
Run: 12.0 miles
Swim: 5800 meters (3.6 miles)
Total Time: 11:30

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