After Week 14

In 2009, I ran the Nike+ Human Race, 10k run near USC held at midnight, with a group of friends.  At that time, it was the longest run I ever attempted.  I was talked into it the night before, and so I did not train for it in the slightest.  I had only just recently started working out regularly at that time, and running was certainly not a part of my repetoire.  I was in incredible pain following those 6.2 miles - my knees were screaming bloody murder.  At that time, even after completing the run, 6.2 miles seemed like an impossible length.

On Wednesday, I completed a 15 mile run, the longest training run to date.  Since 2009, I've also completed a half-marathon and a full marathon, and a handful of triathlons (of varying distances, with runs as short as 3 miles and as long as 10 miles).

I've come a long way since 2009. I guess when you're running for over two hours with no headphones and start getting tired of thinking "left foot. right foot. left foot. right foot..." over and over again, your mind really wanders.

Also, I learned that you should wash yourself immediately after a swim in the gym's super-chlorinated pool.  Often times, after my evening swim, I am incredibly hungry and all I want to do is throw on some clothes, get home and get my grub on.  Well, a few times of doing exactly that and everyone is asking if I recently dyed my hair since it went from black to light brown.  At least I'm told it looks like an expensive dye job!

Finally went and bought new shoes too. Running store said I need to go a half size up, which may be the reason my pinky toe has been rubbing and getting a super-hard callous at the tip and causing my knee pains too.  That plus the supports on my shoes are a bit worn, I already knew I was overdue for new shoes.  This new pair should last me well through IMAZ.

Bike: 85.42 miles + 60 minutes on trainer
Run: 19.9 miles
Swim: 5716 meters (3.55 miles)

Total Time: 12:20

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