Progress Report: Swim [1] Time Trial

Time trials explained here.

First swim time trial took place on July 6, Week 2 of formal training.  Second one was
Week 9 of training.

The results:
July 6

August 23

These results show a significant amount of speed was picked up between the time of the two time trials - each corresponding lap from the August time trial was anywhere from ten to 17 seconds faster.  Over 900m, this equates to a whopping 44 second difference!  Extrapolate that over 2.4 miles, and... well, math is not my strong suit but you get the picture!

This news reinvigorated me and really put numbers to what I have been feeling - that I am becoming faster (relatively speaking) and more efficient in the water.  This is proof-positive that all of the workouts and time spent training is paying off.

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