After Week 11

This week was a big bike week - lots of miles put down and lots of time spent on the trainer.  After weeks of spending significant amounts of time on the trainer, I've been very curious as to how many miles I'm logging while on the trainer. Starting next week, I should have that answer.  The plan is to hook up a bike computer to the rear wheel of the bike but leave the computer off of the bike - stationed, however, nearby so it can read the revolutions of the wheel.

This week's saturday long ride was unfortunately cut short due to issues with flats.  But because of Labor Day on Monday and an extra ride on Sunday, I was able to put in a good amount of time in the saddle, though not in one sitting.  I also decided the Palos Verdes loop is one of my favorite routes to ride.  It's a great combination of hills, seaside vistas, lots of bike lanes and a liquor store on the route for extra water. 

The purple arrow (Palos Verdes East) points at the biggest hill on the loop, but that dark blue-ish/purple-ish line in the middle is Hawthorne Boulevard, which offers a pretty spectacular hill too, perhaps steeper and longer than PV East. 

A cyclist friend who lives in the area tells me there are many detours off of the loop that offers even more climbing (including the PV East to Crest climb) and is his favorite area to ride as well. 

I'll likely be heading here more often than Malibu now that I've found this.  Although I would still like to climb the entirety of Mulholland Highway.  Angeles Crest Highway, I've got your number too. And it's 2. Get it? I made a funny!

Week Eleven totals:

Bike: 67.80 miles + 120 min on the trainer
Run: 14.1 miles
Swim: 6723 meters (3.81 miles)

Total Time: 14:00

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