Progress Report: Run [1] Time Trial

Time trials explained here.

Let's take a look at the progress made on the run.
July 3:

Sept 6:

These results immediately tell me two things: (1) I am faster, and (2) I am more consistent.

Although the fastest lap on July 3 was quicker than the fastest lap on September 6, the total running time has decreased by nearly a full minute.  The consistency is key; it also signifies a better understanding of my own limits and likely the ability to push those limits.

I recall that after the July 3 time trial, my body was exhausted.  I had pushed myself extremely hard, but mostly on the third lap, knowing that it was the last lap.  On September 6, I was able to run closer to my limit for a longer period of time.  The third lap could have been quicker, if it had not been for over-eating prior to the run in an attempt to ensure that I would not be lacking in nutrition.  I think the exhaustion I remembered from July 3 caused me to overcompensate.  But the time trials do not take much time and I should have only taken in half of the nutrition I took prior to the time trial.  Chalk it up as a learning experience; I had hoped to get a sub-7 minute mile but that will have to be for next time.

Overall I am happy with the result.

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