Amazing Things Happen When You Train Hard (new Personal Record?)

Yes, it is true. Amazing things happen.  You may experience the runner's high.  You'll likely find yourself getting faster and feeling stronger. 

This week started innocously.  On Tuesday, I had a run and swim scheduled.  I usually get my run done first thing in the morning, when it is still relatively cool outside.  Then it's off to work.  If it's a slow day, I try get get my swim done before lunch since the gym is pretty quiet in the mornings.  After lunch, the gym gets busier, especially the swimming pool.  Around 4:00 pm or perhaps just before then, the pool empties again and doesn't get busy until after 5:00 pm.  So if I'm not in the pool in the morning, I usually wait until 4:00 pm or 4:30 pm to hit the gym.  Swim workouts have lengthened up to 2000 meters which takes a bit of time to complete.  At times I'll get into the pool with one other person but by the time I'm done, the lanes are all full and there's people waiting.

So back to Tuesday.  I ran in the morning, easy run for a total of just over 4 miles - but still a very sweaty run.  I'm talking shirt drenched, skin glistening in the sun type of sweat.  In those thirty some odd minutes, a visible tan line on my shoulders already appeared (wearing a sleeveless shirt), which gives some idea of how sunny it was.

Then in the afternoon I did a 2000 yard swim.  It doesn't seem as long when you break it into less intimidating sets.  Not that the swim wasn't tiring.  But it certainly felt pretty great.

For some reason, after I shower at the gym, I still smell like chlorine.  Perhaps it's weak body wash provided by the gym.  In any case, not only did I [one] shower in the morning after my run, I also [two] showered at the gym after my swim.  Then before climbing in bed, I [three] showered once more to clean off the residual chlorine.  Yes, that's right - my investment is paying massive dividends and I believe I hit a new PR (personal record) on Tuesday with three showers in one single day! Amazing, yes, I know!  Is four possible? I'm not sure, but who knows what the training will hold for me in the future!

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