Double Duty Cap

Here's a tidbit I nearly forgot.  Back in San Francisco, when I did the Alcatraz Challenge, we had to board a ferry that would take us to our swim start.  We jumped off the ferry and into the bay to start the swim. 

This meant we were not supposed to bring anything onto the ferry that we were not going to take with us on our swim, unless we were going to throw it away.  Between loading the ferry, getting to the start location and unloading all of the swimmers, we expected be on the ferry for an hour.  That meant in your wetsuit holding any snacks, your goggles, race cap and anything else you might want.  For me, that also meant my trusty Garmin, neoprene cap and extra latex cap. 

Why the extra latex cap and the neoprene cap?  I was told to wear an extra latex cap for a little bit of extra warmth under the neoprene cap, which helps keep the head warm.  On top of the neorpene cap goes your race cap, which is a latex cap. 

With so many pieces of gear to carry, I was afraid of dropping something or plain forgetting it. Until the brilliant idea of using my neoprene cap as a basket popped into my head, much like the proverbial lightbulb moment!  Using the chin strap as a handle, my new neoprene cap pulled double duty as a cap and as a basket, holding all of my gear plus gummi bears.

Hooray, gear!

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