After Week Six

Back on it.  After two weeks of recovery, one for the Alcatraz Challenge and the next for the dragon boat tournament, it's back to our regularly scheduled programming.  Since no training occurred during the dragon boat tournament, I did not have Monday as a rest day.  Instead, the tournament days (last Saturday and Sunday) were my rest days.

Both weeks four and five saw five hours each of training, which is relatively light.  Stacked on not quite double the distances but nearly double the time.  The total time and distances will not correspond exactly because the individual sport totals do not include time spent in the gym doing strength training but the total time does.

Much of this week's training regimen was dictated by heart rate. For example, Wednesday's trainer ride was a 60-minute ride, you can see three high intensity reps (zone 4) with lower intensity (zone 1) recovery periods in between.  This keeps the stationary bike rides interesting.  Well, that and the ability to listen to This American Life.   

Week Six totals:

Bike: 32.5 miles and 60 minutes on the trainer
Run: 15.21 miles
Swim: 5200 meters

Total Time: 10:75

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