
It's still early in the training season for me.  But I am refocusing my efforts from strength-training to cardio (and really whatever else my coach will be telling me).   This week has been about transitioning to my old morning routine - get in a run before starting the day.  Doesn't feel so bad to get up in the mornings!

Logged 8 miles this week (two 4-mile runs).  Comparing my last three runs, I am faster in the mornings.  My last two are almost even in times, but average heart rate (157 v 151) was slower this morning as compared to a few days ago.  Average moving pace just a few seconds under 8 min/mile. Feeling good!  Also got in a swim (1250 yds) during the week.

This season is looking good. A coach.  Alcatraz swim. Santa Barbara Triathlon. Bike the Coast century ride. And then IMAZ.  Sounds doable, right?

It's getting serious now

Finally spoke with a triathlon coach.  I'm likely going to sign up with him next week.  That way, I'll have someone keeping me accountable all the time and get a personalized training program too.  Looking forward to some hard work!


Got sick towards the end of last week.  Eased up on the training while getting sicker.  This weekend is the Portland tournament but I am hoping to pick up on the training again - at least do some light runs while in Portland.

I am also looking forward to digesting new Garmin data that I have uploaded but not yet reviewed.  I started using the HRM but need to find and adjust my max HR.  Will need to wait until I'm 100% healthy again though.  I'll try to go through that data next week, before I get too much data to sift through.

Here's to hoping I do what I want to do...